Friday, February 27, 2009

Gospel in the glut: evangelists' workshop

The average Brit is exposed to 1500 advertisements per day, the average American 3000! This information glut concomitantly causes people to filter communication and become skeptical about the veracity of the information that makes it through their grids.
So when we share the Good News of Christ with someone, it is quite possibly perceived as commercial message number 743 for the day, sandwiched between the $2000 rebate with 0% financing, and the free vacation for two to Hawaii (just remember to read the fine print!).

In light of information overload, (not to mention other realities of postmodernism and postchristendom), how then might one communicate the gospel so that it does not just bounce off the eardrum, but actually registers in the mind and heart?

Alfredo is the organizer and facilitator for the Evangelists' Workshop

March 2-4, members of the GBIM Europe team will gather in Lisbon for an Evangelists’ Workshop. Alfredo and friends will be sharing with us some of their insights as people on mission in Portugal for two decades and more.

We will also spend time in prayer and reflection in the Gospel of John and the Song of Songs to rekindle our heartfelt love for Jesus, the one we proclaim.

Together we will explore prayer, hot hearts, corporate testimony, service, creative approaches and other God-guided ways that help people comprehend the difference between tabloid communication and truly Good News.


Ed Waken said...

Hey Paul,
As an evangelist, I would love to be with you guys... So do let me know what becomes of this discussion. Your intro to this blog entry was right on. We cannot be smart enough to know what to say in order to capture one's attention. But we do know the One who does know what they need and He lives in us (1 Cor. 2:1-16). I pray the Spirit will guide your discussion so that Europe and beyond will be sons and daughters of Christ. Blessings upon you guys!

Paul Klaw said...

Hey Ed, Just finished up the evangelists' workshop with GBIM teammates and am now meeting with some European evangelists and church planters. I'll try to make an entry next week when I get home to Dijon.

Alfredo had us meet some of his evangelist friends doing humanitarian work, sharing Christ among artists, a bass player in a punk band pastoring a very traditional baptist church... More to come!