"Is the reason you see relatively few results for your labors in Europe because you are inept, unwilling to use proven methods, or simply that you are unfaithful?"
Ok, no one has ever said those exact words to my face. Yet, I have heard it said that Americans planting churches in Europe must have bad methodology otherwise they would see better results. I have heard that we are not daring enough. I have heard, from a pastor who has had strong results in the States, "I wonder what it would be like if I came to Europe?" Since you asked, here is a glimpse of what it might be like...
I went to the Czech Republic last week, Prague to be exact. My administrative assistant, Patty (thanks for the photos!), my colleagues—George and Cindy—and I met with 14 people: some unbelievers, others evangelical lay people, others clergy. Here are some of the things we heard and observed…
John Hus was burned at the stake for heresy by the Roman Church in 1415. His crime? He asserted that the pope did not have the right to use violence in the name of the Church, but rather should pray for and bless his enemies. He also preached that forgiveness comes through repentance and faith in Christ rather than by giving money to the Church (indulgences). Is there any possibility that such historic events influence the spiritual climate of a country? We western believers of the 21st century are indebted to faithful Europeans like Jan Hus who preceded Martin Luther who preceded John Calvin who preceded…
Slavik (Ukrainian doctoral student) said: "If George and Cindy had been working in the Ukraine, doing the same things they are doing here, they would have already planted a few churches."
(G & C have begun a church but it is not yet under spiritually qualified Czech leadership.)
George & moi interviewing the pastor of a Russian speaking church
An IMB / S. Baptist church planter: "Our mission has had missionaries here since 1991 and we have not yet planted a Czech speaking church."
Athletes in Action worker in Prague
A Cru / Campus Crusade director shared: "We did not see anyone come to Christ last year"
in spite of their diverse approaches including Mississippi Mud, The Journey, language and business endeavors...
Cru stint worker in Prague
Hmmm, so is everyone working in Prague inept, methodologically challenged or unfaithful? Or might there be other factors that come into play? How do their respective historic, cultural and spiritual contexts contribute to the statistical facts that 350 out of 1000 Americans claim to be evangelical while only 3 out of 1000 Czechs claim the same?
Homage to the late Vaclav Havel
Yet there is encouraging news. George has been reading the Gospel of John with Petr and they allowed me to join in. Petr is obviously understanding what he is reading and we even prayed for needs afterward. And just a few weeks ago during the Sunday morning service at my colleagues' church a Czech woman professed Christ!
Would not this sobering spiritual state of affaires be a strong reason to pray for the Czech people? To finance the sending of workers there to incarnate and articulate the Good News of Christ? (Caveat: ministry in the Czech Republic is not for the faint-hearted!). And to encourage those who are skillfully and faithfully serving there?
děkuji (merci) !