Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Guiding Principles recap

Just over 50 people gathered for the Equip 07 seminar Guiding Principles for the People of God in a Postmodern World. Most importantly, I truly believe that God met with us, enlightening and guiding both individually and collectively.

I’ll give you the map for our journey and then in the next few entries I will attempt to summarize some of the discussions.


: introductions, objectives and household rules (Paul)

Deconstructing modernism
: A glimpse at the rise and demise of modernity, and why this is important to us and our mission. (Paul)
Unpacking postmodernism: How should a postmodern culture affect the way you “view” and “do” church? (Kary)

Kary Oberbrunner, author of Called and Journey Toward Relevance

Biblical Marks of a Healthy Church: Examination of key biblical characteristics of a church. Where do "inherited" and "emergent" churches do well and where do they miss the mark? (Matt)

Matt Harmon, professor of New Testament at Grace Theological Seminary

Forum on readings and participant questions (panel: Kary, Matt, Paul)

Choose Your Flavor?
A paradigm of biblical relevance will be presented, demonstrating the relationship between Christianity and culture. (Kary)
With most sessions there was time either for evaluation of either self or one’s own church; there were refeshing times of prayer. And at the end of each day we had take aways asking the question: In light of what has been shared, what do you believe Jesus is saying to you and to us as the people of God?


Sociological assignments
: participants shared the fruit of their interviews enabling us to have a window into the hearts of postmodern people and their perceptions of the evangelical church.

Am I fuzzy, bound or centered?
Become familiar with bounded, fuzzy and centered thinking. Cultivate a “moving toward mindset” in the areas of biblical understanding of truth, relationships and mission. (Paul)

on hermeneutics (panel Q & A: Matt, Kary, Paul)

The people of God as a kingdom of priests: Trace the biblical theological thread of God's people as a kingdom of priests, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation. Where do "inherited" and "emergent" churches do well and where do they miss the mark? (Matt)

Picture the Church
: Gain a glimpse of Jesus’ idea Church! Explore the meaning of the NT metaphors that encapsulate the essence of the Church. (Paul)

The People of God as Transformists
: A paradigm of biblical relevance will be presented, demonstrating the relationship between Christianity and culture. (Kary)

NEXT UP: Household rules or living relational truth.